Family Caregivers Month

Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month and Long-term Care Awareness Month. It is a great opportunity to highlight those family caregivers that put others first. Caregiving can be a difficult and sometimes thankless task, and many people volunteer to take on these responsibilities.

Caretaker Vs Caregiver

For the most part, caretakers are employed to take care of someone or something, like a caretaker of an estate or property. Caregivers, on the other hand, are typically non-paid persons that may or may not be related to those they care for.

Caregiver For Disabled Adults

Caregiving for disabled adults is one of the most difficult jobs to do. It requires patience, understanding and skillful caregiving, which is why it is important to find an experienced caregiver who will be able to provide all the care and support if needed. A caregiver for disabled adults should be adaptable, patient, understanding and sensitive. They need to understand that the person they are caring for has a different way of thinking and doing things.

Caregiver Self-Care

Your role as a caregiver calls for you to be at your best at all times. It is important to reserve time for yourself to relax, meditate, or do anything that allows you to unwind. Stay on top of your health by getting annual physicals and preventative testing. Get regular check-ups on your current health conditions and medications to make sure you are in the best health for your loved ones.

How We Can Help

Our concierge staff is especially equipped to help you take on the challenges of taking care of yourself and coordinating care for your loved one. We help navigate the healthcare system so you don’t have to. Call us at 949-629-2600 or click here to get started.

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